SFS 2013:373 Lag om ändring i lagen (1997:918) om dubbelbeskattningsavtal mellan Sverige och Indien


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Avtalet �r avfattat p� svenska, hindi och engelska.<br/>Den svenska och engelska texten framg�r av bilaga 1 till denna lag.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:580px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft15"><b>2 �</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:580px;left:112px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10">Den �verenskommelse mellan Sverige och Indien om anst�nd med be-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:597px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft19">talning av skatter under p�g�ende f�rfarande f�r �msesidig �verenskommelse<br/>som undertecknades den 7 februari 2013 ska g�lla som lag h�r i landet. �ver-<br/>enskommelsen �r avfattad p� engelska. Den engelska texten och en svensk<br/>�vers�ttning framg�r av bilaga 2 till denna lag.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:685px;left:94px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10">Denna lag tr�der i kraft den dag regeringen best�mmer. De nya best�mmel-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:703px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft19">serna f�r s�ttas i kraft vid olika tidpunkter och till�mpas fr�n och med ikraft-<br/>tr�dandet.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:755px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10">P� regeringens v�gnar</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:789px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10">ANDERS BORG</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:807px;left:311px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft19">Ingela Willfors<br/>(Finansdepartementet)</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:925px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft16">1 Prop. 2012/13:89, bet. 2012/13:SkU29, rskr. 2012/13:240.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:540px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft12"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:203px;left:540px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft110">Utkom fr�n trycket<br/>den 10 juni 2013</p> </div> <div id="page2-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20">2</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft21"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:134px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">AVTAL MELLAN KONUNGARIKET <br/>SVERIGES REGERING OCH REPUBLIKEN <br/>INDIENS REGERING F�R UNDVIKANDE <br/>AV DUBBELBESKATTNING OCH <br/>F�RHINDRANDE AV SKATTEFLYKT <br/>BETR�FFANDE SKATTER P� INKOMST <br/>OCH P� F�RM�GENHET</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:334px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft22"><b>Artikel 27</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:360px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft23"><i>Utbyte av upplysningar</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:386px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20">1. De beh�riga myndigheterna i de avtalsslu-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:403px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">tande staterna ska utbyta s�dana upplysningar<br/>(dokument och bestyrkta kopior av dokument<br/>d�ri inbegripna) som kan antas vara relevanta<br/>vid till�mpningen av best�mmelserna i detta<br/>avtal eller f�r administration eller verkst�llig-<br/>het av intern lagstiftning i fr�ga om skatter av<br/>varje slag och beskaffenhet som tas ut f�r de<br/>avtalsslutande staterna eller f�r deras politiska<br/>underavdelningar eller lokala myndigheter, om<br/>beskattningen enligt denna lagstiftning inte<br/>strider mot avtalet. Utbytet av upplysningar be-<br/>gr�nsas inte av artiklarna 1 och 2. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:612px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20">2. Upplysningar som en avtalsslutande stat</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:630px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">tagit emot enligt punkt 1 ska behandlas som<br/>hemliga p� samma s�tt som upplysningar som<br/>erh�llits enligt den interna lagstiftningen i<br/>denna stat och f�r yppas endast f�r personer el-<br/>ler myndigheter (d�ri inbegripet domstolar och<br/>f�rvaltningsorgan) som fastst�ller, uppb�r eller<br/>driver in de skatter som �syftas i punkt 1 eller<br/>handl�gger �tal eller �verklagande i fr�ga om<br/>dessa skatter eller som ut�var tillsyn �ver<br/>n�mnda verksamheter. Dessa personer eller<br/>myndigheter f�r anv�nda upplysningarna bara<br/>f�r s�dana �ndam�l. De f�r yppa upplysning-<br/>arna vid offentlig r�tteg�ng eller i domstolsav-<br/>g�randen. Utan hinder av detta kan upplys-<br/>ningar som en avtalsslutande stat mottagit an-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:132px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">CONVENTION BETWEEN THE <br/>GOVERNMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF <br/>SWEDEN AND THE GOVERNMENT OF <br/>THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA FOR THE <br/>AVOIDANCE OF DOUBLE TAXATION <br/>AND THE PREVENTION OF FISCAL <br/>EVASION WITH RESPECT TO TAXES ON <br/>INCOME AND ON CAPITAL</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:333px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft22"><b>Article 27</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:359px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft23"><i>Exchange of information</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:385px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20">(1) The competent authorities of the Con-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:402px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">tracting States shall exchange such information<br/>(including documents or certified copies of the<br/>documents) as is foreseeably relevant for carry-<br/>ing out the provisions of this Convention or to<br/>the administration or enforcement of the do-<br/>mestic laws concerning taxes of every kind and<br/>description imposed on behalf of the Contract-<br/>ing States, or of their political subdivisions or<br/>local authorities, insofar as the taxation there-<br/>under is not contrary to the Convention. The<br/>exchange of information is not restricted by<br/>Articles 1 and 2.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:611px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20">(2) Any information received under para-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:628px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24">graph 1 by a Contracting State shall be treated<br/>as secret in the same manner as information ob-<br/>tained under the domestic laws of that State and<br/>shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities<br/>(including courts and administrative bodies)<br/>concerned with the assessment or collection of,<br/>the enforcement or prosecution in respect of,<br/>the determination of appeals in relation to the<br/>taxes referred to in paragraph 1, or the oversight<br/>of the above. Such persons or authorities shall<br/>use the information only for such purposes.<br/>They may disclose the information in public<br/>court proceedings or in judicial decisions. Not-<br/>withstanding the foregoing, information re-<br/>ceived by a Contracting State may be used for</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:93px;left:577px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft23"><i>Bilaga 1</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:302px;left:45px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20"> </p> </div> <div id="page3-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:649px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">3</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:565px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft31"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">v�ndas f�r andra �ndam�l d� s�dana upplys-<br/>ningar kan anv�ndas f�r s�dana andra �ndam�l<br/>enligt lagstiftningen i b�da staterna och den be-<br/>h�riga myndigheten i den stat som l�mnar upp-<br/>lysningarna till�ter s�dan anv�ndning.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">3. Best�mmelserna i punkterna 1 och 2 med-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:193px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">f�r inte skyldighet f�r en avtalsslutande stat att: </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:228px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">a) vidta f�rvaltnings�tg�rder som avviker</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:246px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">fr�n lagstiftning och administrativ praxis i<br/>denna avtalsslutande stat eller i den andra av-<br/>talsslutande staten, </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">b) l�mna upplysningar som inte �r tillg�ng-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:315px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">liga enligt lagstiftning eller sedvanlig adminis-<br/>trativ praxis i denna avtalsslutande stat eller i<br/>den andra avtalsslutande staten,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:367px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">c) l�mna upplysningar som skulle r�ja af-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:385px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">f�rshemlighet, industri-, handels- eller yrkes-<br/>hemlighet eller i n�ringsverksamhet nyttjat f�r-<br/>faringss�tt eller upplysningar, vilkas �verl�m-<br/>nande skulle strida mot allm�nna h�nsyn<br/>(<i>ordre public</i>).</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:472px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">4. D� en avtalsslutande stat beg�r upplys-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:489px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">ningar enligt denna artikel ska den andra av-<br/>talsslutande staten anv�nda de medel som<br/>denna stat f�rfogar �ver f�r att inh�mta de be-<br/>g�rda upplysningarna, �ven om denna andra<br/>stat inte har behov av upplysningarna f�r sina<br/>egna beskattnings�ndam�l. F�rpliktelsen i f�-<br/>reg�ende mening begr�nsas av best�mmelserna<br/>i punkt 3, men detta medf�r inte en r�tt f�r en<br/>avtalsslutande stat att v�gra att l�mna upplys-<br/>ningar uteslutande d�rf�r att denna stat inte har<br/>n�got eget intresse av s�dana upplysningar.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:698px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">5. Best�mmelserna i punkt 3 medf�r inte en</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:715px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">r�tt f�r en avtalsslutande stat att v�gra att<br/>l�mna upplysningar uteslutande d�rf�r att upp-<br/>lysningarna innehas av en bank, annan finan-<br/>siell institution, ombud, representant eller f�r-<br/>valtare eller d�rf�r att upplysningarna g�ller<br/>�gander�tt i en person.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">other purposes when such information may be<br/>used for such other purposes under the laws of<br/>both States and the competent authority of the<br/>supplying State authorises such use.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(3) In no case shall the provisions of para-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:193px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">graphs 1 and 2 be construed so as to impose on<br/>a Contracting State the obligation:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:228px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(a) to carry out administrative measures at</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:246px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">variance with the laws and administrative prac-<br/>tice of that or of the other Contracting State;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(b) to supply information which is not ob-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:315px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">tainable under the laws or in the normal course<br/>of the administration of that or of the other<br/>Contracting State;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:367px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(c) to supply information which would dis-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:385px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">close any trade, business, industrial, commer-<br/>cial or professional secret or trade process, or<br/>information the disclosure of which would be<br/>contrary to public policy (<i>ordre public</i>).</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:472px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(4) If information is requested by a Contract-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:489px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">ing State in accordance with this Article, the<br/>other Contracting State shall use its informa-<br/>tion gathering measures to obtain the requested<br/>information, even though that other State may<br/>not need such information for its own tax pur-<br/>poses. The obligation contained in the preced-<br/>ing sentence is subject to the limitations of par-<br/>agraph 3 but in no case shall such limitations<br/>be construed to permit a Contracting State to<br/>decline to supply information solely because it<br/>has no domestic interest in such information.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:698px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30">(5) In no case shall the provisions of para-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:715px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33">graph 3 be construed to permit a Contracting<br/>State to decline to supply information solely<br/>because the information is held by a bank,<br/>other financial institution, nominee or person<br/>acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or<br/>because it relates to ownership interests in a<br/>person.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:882px;left:77px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> </div> <div id="page4-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">4</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b>Till artikel 25: </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:115px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">Beskattningen i Indien av svenska bolags fasta<br/>driftst�llen skall inte i n�got fall avvika mer<br/>ifr�n beskattningen av liknande indiska bolag<br/>�n som f�reskrivs i indisk lag vid tidpunkten<br/>f�r undertecknandet av detta avtal. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:228px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b>Till artikel 27:</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:254px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">1. En avtalsslutande stat f�r till�ta att f�re-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:272px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">tr�dare f�r den beh�riga myndigheten i den<br/>andra avtalsslutande staten n�rvarar i den f�rst-<br/>n�mnda avtalsslutande staten f�r att h�ra fysis-<br/>ka personer och granska handlingar efter skrift-<br/>ligt medgivande av de ber�rda personerna. Den<br/>beh�riga myndigheten i den sistn�mnda avtals-<br/>slutande staten ska meddela den beh�riga myn-<br/>digheten i den f�rstn�mnda avtalsslutande sta-<br/>ten om tid och plats f�r m�tet med dessa perso-<br/>ner. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:446px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">2. P� beg�ran av den beh�riga myndigheten</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:463px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">i en avtalsslutande stat f�r den beh�riga myn-<br/>digheten i den andra avtalsslutande staten till-<br/>l�ta att f�retr�dare f�r den beh�riga myndighe-<br/>ten i den f�rstn�mnda avtalsslutande staten �r<br/>n�rvarande vid skatteutredning i den sist-<br/>n�mnda avtalsslutande staten till den del detta<br/>anses l�mpligt. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:585px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">3. Bifalls en beg�ran enligt punkt 2 ska den</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:602px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">beh�riga myndigheten i den avtalsslutande stat<br/>som utf�r utredningen snarast m�jligt under-<br/>r�tta den beh�riga myndigheten i den andra av-<br/>talsslutande staten om tid och plats f�r utred-<br/>ningen, om den myndighet eller person som<br/>bemyndigats att utf�ra utredningen samt om de<br/>f�rfaranden och villkor som den f�rstn�mnda<br/>avtalsslutande staten fastst�llt f�r utf�randet av<br/>utredningen. Alla beslut betr�ffande utf�randet<br/>av utredningen ska fattas av den avtalsslutande<br/>stat som utf�r utredningen. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b>With reference to Article 25:</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:115px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">The taxation in India of permanent establish-<br/>ments of Swedish companies, shall in no case<br/>differ more from the taxation of similar Indian<br/>companies than is provided by the Indian law<br/>on the date of signature of this Convention.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:228px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b>With reference to Article 27:</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:254px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">1. A Contracting State may allow represent-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:272px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">atives of the competent authority of the other<br/>Contracting State to enter the territory of the<br/>first-mentioned Contracting State to interview<br/>individuals and examine records with the writ-<br/>ten consent of the persons concerned. The<br/>competent authority of the second-mentioned<br/>Contracting State shall notify the competent<br/>authority of the first-mentioned Contracting<br/>State of the time and place of the meeting with<br/>the individuals concerned.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:446px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">2. At the request of the competent authority</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:463px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">of one Contracting State, the competent author-<br/>ity of the other Contracting State may allow<br/>representatives of the competent authority of<br/>the first-mentioned Contracting State to be<br/>present at the appropriate part of a tax exami-<br/>nation in the second-mentioned Contracting<br/>State.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:585px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40">3. If the request referred to in paragraph 2 is</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:602px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43">acceded to, the competent authority of the Con-<br/>tracting State conducting the examination<br/>shall, as soon as possible, notify the competent<br/>authority of the other Contracting State about<br/>the time and place of the examination, the au-<br/>thority or official designated to carry out the<br/>examination and the procedures and conditions<br/>required by the first-mentioned Contracting<br/>State for the conduct of the examination. All<br/>decisions with respect to the conduct of the tax<br/>examination shall be made by the Contracting<br/>State conducting the examination.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:882px;left:49px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> </div> <div id="page5-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:649px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">5</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:565px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft51"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:145px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br/>BETWEEN THE COMPETENT <br/>AUTHORITY OF SWEDEN AND THE <br/>COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF INDIA <br/>REGARDING SUSPENSION OF <br/>COLLECTION OF TAXES DURING <br/>MUTUAL AGREEMENT PROCEDURE </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:284px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">The Competent Authority of Sweden and the<br/>Competent Authority of India;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:319px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">Having regard to the hardship faced by the</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:336px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">taxpayers during the pendency of a Mutual<br/>Agreement Procedure, under Article 26 of the<br/>Convention between the Government of the<br/>Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of<br/>the Republic of India for the avoidance of dou-<br/>ble taxation and the prevention of fiscal eva-<br/>sion with respect to taxes on income and on<br/>capital, which was signed on 24th June 1997<br/>(the Convention);</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:493px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">Having determined and agreed that efficient</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:510px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">processing of Mutual Agreement Procedure<br/>(MAP) cases will be facilitated by suspend-<br/>ing collection of any amounts of tax, including<br/>also any related interest or penalties, for any<br/>taxable years which are the subject of MAP<br/>proceedings;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:632px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">WHEREAS:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:649px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">(A) The Competent Authorities have ar-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:667px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">ranged and desired to agree that with regard to<br/>amounts of taxes covered under Article 2 of the<br/>Convention and potentially payable to the<br/>Government of Sweden, the Swedish Tax Au-<br/>thority will suspend collection in accordance<br/>with this Memorandum; and</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:771px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">(B) The Competent Authorities have ar-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:789px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">ranged and desired to agree that with regard to<br/>amounts of taxes covered under Article 2 of the<br/>Convention and potentially payable to the<br/>Government of India, the Assessing Officer<br/>will suspend collection in accordance with this<br/>Memorandum;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:144px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">�VERENSKOMMELSE MELLAN DEN <br/>BEH�RIGA MYNDIGHETEN I SVERIGE <br/>OCH DEN BEH�RIGA MYNDIGHETEN I <br/>INDIEN OM ANST�ND MED BETALNING <br/>AV SKATTER UNDER P�G�ENDE <br/>F�RFARANDE F�R �MSESIDIG <br/>�VERENSKOMMELSE</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:283px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">Den beh�riga myndigheten i Sverige och den<br/>beh�riga myndigheten i Indien,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:318px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">Som beaktar de sv�righeter som m�ter skatt-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:335px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">skyldiga under p�g�ende f�rfarande f�r �mse-<br/>sidig �verenskommelse enligt artikel 26 i avta-<br/>let mellan Konungariket Sveriges regering och<br/>Republiken Indiens regering f�r undvikande av<br/>dubbelbeskattning och f�rhindrande av skatte-<br/>flykt betr�ffande skatter p� inkomst och p� f�r-<br/>m�genhet, undertecknat den 24 juni 1997 (av-<br/>talet),</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:492px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">Som har enats om att en effektiv handl�gg-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:510px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">ning av �renden enligt f�rfarande vid �msesi-<br/>diga �verenskommelser, fr�mjas av att anst�nd<br/>medges med betalning av skattebelopp, d�ri in-<br/>begripet r�nta eller straffavgift, som h�nf�r sig<br/>till beskattnings�r som �r f�rem�l f�r ett f�rfa-<br/>rande vid �msesidig �verenskommelse, </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:631px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">UNDER DET ATT:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:649px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">A. De beh�riga myndigheterna �nskat kom-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:666px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">ma �verens om att Skatteverket, enligt denna<br/>�verenskommelse, ska bevilja anst�nd med be-<br/>talning av s�dana skattebelopp som omfattas av<br/>artikel 2 i avtalet och som ska betalas i Sverige,<br/>och</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:770px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">B. De beh�riga myndigheterna �nskat kom-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:788px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53">ma �verens om att<i> the Assessing Officer,</i> enligt<br/>denna �verenskommelse, ska bevilja anst�nd<br/>med betalning av s�dana skattebelopp som om-<br/>fattas av artikel 2 i avtalet och som ska betalas i<br/>Indien,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:92px;left:608px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft52"><i>Bilaga 2</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:109px;left:574px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50">(�vers�ttning)</p> </div> <div id="page6-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">6</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the<br/>premises, covenants and conditions herein con-<br/>tained and in implementing this arrangement:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">HAVE AGREED as follows:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:193px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(1) The tax authorities of India and Sweden</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:211px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">shall retain the right to demand security in ap-<br/>propriate cases, as deemed fit and necessary to<br/>avoid prejudicing the interests of their respec-<br/>tive governments.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:280px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(2) In India, as security, a taxpayer shall pro-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">vide an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by<br/>any scheduled bank, or by an Indian branch of<br/>a foreign bank approved by the Reserve Bank<br/>of India to carry out banking business in India,<br/>as per annexure A to this Memorandum.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:402px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(3) In Sweden, as security, a taxpayer shall,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:420px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">upon demand, provide an irrevocable Bank<br/>Guarantee issued by a bank that is authorized<br/>by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Author-<br/>ity or any other form of security deemed ade-<br/>quate by the Swedish Tax Authority.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:507px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(4) The amount, if any, for which security is</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:524px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">demanded under paragraph (2) or (3) above, as<br/>the case may be, shall not exceed the amount of<br/>additional tax demanded by the tax authority<br/>requiring the security (aggregated for all the<br/>periods pending before the Competent Authori-<br/>ties), and, if applicable, as adjusted by the As-<br/>sessing Officer in accordance with domestic<br/>laws, and subject to further adjustment for in-<br/>terest on these amounts calculated at the statu-<br/>tory rate on non-payments.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:715px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(5) Collection of any interest or penalty lev-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:733px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">ied from the concerned taxpayer, in relation to<br/>amounts suspended from collection under this<br/>Memorandum, shall also be suspended subject<br/>to paragraph (4). For the avoidance of doubt,<br/>interest, if appropriate, will continue to run<br/>while the collection is suspended.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:854px;left:61px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">(6) The Competent Authorities shall endeav-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:872px;left:47px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">our to either resolve or close the case within a</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">HAR, med beaktande av de f�resatser, best�m-<br/>melser och villkor som f�ljer av denna �ver-<br/>enskommelse samt genom implementeringen<br/>av denna,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">KOMMIT �VERENS OM f�ljande:</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:193px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">1. Skattemyndigheterna i Indien och Sverige</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:211px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">har kvar r�tten att beg�ra s�kerhet i fall d�r s�-<br/>dan bed�ms vara n�dv�ndig f�r att undvika att<br/>allm�nna intressen i respektive stat skadas.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:280px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">2. I Indien ska den skattskyldige l�mna s�-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">kerhet, i enlighet med bilaga A till denna<br/>�verenskommelse, i form av en o�terkallelig<br/>bankgaranti utst�lld av en registrerad bank el-<br/>ler av en utl�ndsk banks indiska filial, vilken<br/>av <i>the Reserve Bank of India </i>godk�nts att be-<br/>driva bankverksamhet i Indien.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:402px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> 3. I Sverige ska den skattskyldige, p� beg�-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:420px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">ran, l�mna s�kerhet i form av en o�terkallelig<br/>bankgaranti utst�lld av en bank som bedriver<br/>verksamhet med tillst�nd av Finansinspektio-<br/>nen, eller annan s�dan form av s�kerhet som<br/>Skatteverket finner l�mplig. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:507px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">4. Varje belopp f�r vilket s�kerhet beg�rs</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:524px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">enligt punkt 2 respektive 3 ovan, f�r inte �ver-<br/>stiga den skatt (sammanlagd ber�knad f�r alla<br/>beskattningsperioder som �r f�rem�l f�r p�g�-<br/>ende f�rfarande om �msesidig �verenskom-<br/>melse mellan de beh�riga myndigheterna) som<br/>p�f�rts av den skattemyndighet som beg�r s�-<br/>kerheten och, i f�rekommande fall, s�som<br/>denna skatt justerats av <i>the Assessing Officer,<br/></i>enligt intern lagstiftning och med f�rbeh�ll f�r<br/>ytterligare justering f�r lagstadgad r�nta f�r<br/>utebliven betalning.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:715px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">5. Anst�nd med betalning ska  med de be-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:733px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63">gr�nsningar som f�ljer av punkt 4  ocks�<br/>medges f�r r�nta eller straffavgift som p�f�rs<br/>ber�rd skattskyldig och som h�nf�r sig till be-<br/>lopp f�r vilka anst�nd medgivits enligt denna<br/>�verenskommelse. F�r att undvika tvivelsm�l,<br/>i f�rekommande fall f�r r�nta ber�knas under<br/>tid f�r vilken anst�nd med betalning medgivits.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:854px;left:369px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">6. De beh�riga myndigheterna ska s�ka l�sa</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:872px;left:355px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60">eller avsluta �rendet inom tv� �r fr�n den dag</p> </div> <div id="page7-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:924px;left:649px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">7</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:565px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft71"><b>SFS 2013:373</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">period of two years from the date on which one<br/>Competent Authority notifies the other that the<br/>application from the Taxpayer(s) for assistance<br/>under the MAP has been received.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">(7) The maximum period for which collec-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">tion can be suspended under this Memorandum<br/>shall be two years unless extended by mutual<br/>consent by both the Competent Authorities.<br/>However, in no case shall the aggregate peri-<br/>ods for which collection is suspended exceed<br/>five years.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:280px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">(8) Any draw-down upon a Bank Guarantee</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">referred to in paragraph (2) or (3) above will be<br/>done only after notification by one Competent<br/>Authority to the other about the completion of<br/>the Mutual Agreement Procedure, or of the<br/>time limit under paragraph (7), whichever ear-<br/>lier.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:402px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">(9) In the event of a lapse of security under</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:420px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">paragraph (2) or (3), the taxpayer shall be per-<br/>mitted to substitute another form of security<br/>under such paragraph, provided such substitu-<br/>tion takes effect not less than 30 days prior to<br/>the lapse of the prior security. Such substitu-<br/>tion will relieve the bank which provided the<br/>first Bank Guarantee from its obligations to the<br/>concerned Government of India or Sweden un-<br/>der that first security.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:576px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">(10) The terms of this Memorandum may be</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:593px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">reviewed by the Competent Authorities at any-<br/>time in the future upon the request of either<br/>party.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:646px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">(11) This Agreement shall enter into force</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:663px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">on the thirtieth day after the notification in<br/>writing by the Competent Authority of Sweden<br/>to the Competent Authority of India of the<br/>completion of the procedures required by its<br/>law for the entry into force of this Agreement.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:762px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">Dated at Stockholm, 7 February 2013 </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:791px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">For the Competent Authority of Sweden</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:818px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft72"><i>Ingela Willfors</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:847px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">For the Competent Authority of India</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:873px;left:79px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft72"><i>Sanjay Kumar Mishra</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">d� en beh�rig myndighet underr�ttar den andra<br/>om att den mottagit en ans�kan om �msesidig<br/>�verenskommelse fr�n den skattskyldige.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">7. Anst�nd enligt denna �verenkommelse</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:176px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">kan medges i h�gst tv� �r, s�vida inte de beh�-<br/>riga myndigheterna kommer �verens om att<br/>anst�ndet ska f�rl�ngas. Den sammanlagda<br/>tidsperiod f�r vilken anst�nd kan medges, ska<br/>emellertid inte i n�got fall �verstiga fem �r.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:280px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">8. Bankgaranti som avses i punkt 2 eller 3</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:298px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">ovan f�r endast tas i anspr�k efter att den ena<br/>beh�riga myndigheten underr�ttat den andra<br/>om att f�rfarandet f�r �msesidig �verenskom-<br/>melse �r slutf�rt, eller att den tidsperiod som<br/>anges i punkt 7 l�pt ut, beroende p� vilket som<br/>intr�ffar f�rst. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:402px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">9. I h�ndelse av att s�kerhet som avses i</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:420px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">punkt 2 eller 3 upph�r, f�r den skattskyldige er-<br/>s�tta denna med annan s�kerhet i enlighet med<br/>en av dessa punkter, s�vida detta sker senast 30<br/>dagar innan den tidigare s�kerheten upph�r.<br/>Vid s�dant ers�ttande befrias den bank som<br/>st�llde ut f�rstn�mnda bankgaranti fr�n sina<br/>skyldigheter enligt garantin gentemot ber�rd<br/>myndighet i Indien eller Sverige. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:559px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73"> <br/>10. Best�mmelserna i denna �verenskom-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:593px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">melse kan p� beg�ran av endera parten n�r som<br/>helst bli f�rem�l f�r �versyn av de beh�riga<br/>myndigheterna. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:646px;left:402px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">11. Denna �verenskommelse tr�der i kraft</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:663px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft73">den trettionde dagen efter den dag d� den beh�-<br/>riga myndigheten i Sverige skriftligen underr�t-<br/>tar den beh�riga myndigheten i Indien om att de<br/>konstitutionella �tg�rder som kr�vs f�r att �ver-<br/>enskommelsen ska tr�da ikraft har vidtagits.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:762px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">Stockholm, den 7 februari 2013</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:791px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">F�r den beh�riga myndigheten i Sverige </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:818px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft72"><i>Ingela Willfors</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:847px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft70">F�r den beh�riga myndigheten i Indien</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:873px;left:387px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft72"><i>Sanjay Kumar Mishra</i></p> </div> <div id="page8-div" style="position:relative;width:701px;height:1028px;"> <img width="701" height="1028" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:946px;left:529px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft80">Norstedts Juridik AB/Fritzes</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:956px;left:534px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft80">Elanders Sverige AB, 2013</p> </div> </div>
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Svensk f�rfattningssamling

om �ndring i lagen (1997:918) om
dubbelbeskattningsavtal mellan Sverige och

utf�rdad den 30 maj 2013.

Enligt riksdagens beslut

1 f�reskrivs i fr�ga om lagen (1997:918) om dub-

belbeskattningsavtal mellan Sverige och Indien

dels att nuvarande 2 � ska betecknas 3 � och att den nuvarande bilagan till

lagen ska betecknas bilaga 1,

dels att 1 � och bilaga 1 ska ha f�ljande lydelse,
dels att det i lagen ska inf�ras en ny best�mmelse, 2 �, av f�ljande lydelse,
dels att det till lagen ska fogas en ny bilaga, bilaga 2, av f�ljande lydelse.

1 �

Det avtal f�r undvikande av dubbelbeskattning och f�rhindrande av

skatteflykt betr�ffande skatter p� inkomst och p� f�rm�genhet som Sverige
och Indien undertecknade den 24 juni 1997, i den lydelse detta har genom det
protokoll om �ndring i avtalet som undertecknades den 7 februari 2013, ska
g�lla som lag h�r i landet. Avtalet �r avfattat p� svenska, hindi och engelska.
Den svenska och engelska texten framg�r av bilaga 1 till denna lag.

2 �

Den �verenskommelse mellan Sverige och Indien om anst�nd med be-

talning av skatter under p�g�ende f�rfarande f�r �msesidig �verenskommelse
som undertecknades den 7 februari 2013 ska g�lla som lag h�r i landet. �ver-
enskommelsen �r avfattad p� engelska. Den engelska texten och en svensk
�vers�ttning framg�r av bilaga 2 till denna lag.

Denna lag tr�der i kraft den dag regeringen best�mmer. De nya best�mmel-

serna f�r s�ttas i kraft vid olika tidpunkter och till�mpas fr�n och med ikraft-

P� regeringens v�gnar


Ingela Willfors

1 Prop. 2012/13:89, bet. 2012/13:SkU29, rskr. 2012/13:240.

SFS 2013:373

Utkom fr�n trycket
den 10 juni 2013

background image


SFS 2013:373


Artikel 27

Utbyte av upplysningar

1. De beh�riga myndigheterna i de avtalsslu-

tande staterna ska utbyta s�dana upplysningar
(dokument och bestyrkta kopior av dokument
d�ri inbegripna) som kan antas vara relevanta
vid till�mpningen av best�mmelserna i detta
avtal eller f�r administration eller verkst�llig-
het av intern lagstiftning i fr�ga om skatter av
varje slag och beskaffenhet som tas ut f�r de
avtalsslutande staterna eller f�r deras politiska
underavdelningar eller lokala myndigheter, om
beskattningen enligt denna lagstiftning inte
strider mot avtalet. Utbytet av upplysningar be-
gr�nsas inte av artiklarna 1 och 2.

2. Upplysningar som en avtalsslutande stat

tagit emot enligt punkt 1 ska behandlas som
hemliga p� samma s�tt som upplysningar som
erh�llits enligt den interna lagstiftningen i
denna stat och f�r yppas endast f�r personer el-
ler myndigheter (d�ri inbegripet domstolar och
f�rvaltningsorgan) som fastst�ller, uppb�r eller
driver in de skatter som �syftas i punkt 1 eller
handl�gger �tal eller �verklagande i fr�ga om
dessa skatter eller som ut�var tillsyn �ver
n�mnda verksamheter. Dessa personer eller
myndigheter f�r anv�nda upplysningarna bara
f�r s�dana �ndam�l. De f�r yppa upplysning-
arna vid offentlig r�tteg�ng eller i domstolsav-
g�randen. Utan hinder av detta kan upplys-
ningar som en avtalsslutande stat mottagit an-


Article 27

Exchange of information

(1) The competent authorities of the Con-

tracting States shall exchange such information
(including documents or certified copies of the
documents) as is foreseeably relevant for carry-
ing out the provisions of this Convention or to
the administration or enforcement of the do-
mestic laws concerning taxes of every kind and
description imposed on behalf of the Contract-
ing States, or of their political subdivisions or
local authorities, insofar as the taxation there-
under is not contrary to the Convention. The
exchange of information is not restricted by
Articles 1 and 2.

(2) Any information received under para-

graph 1 by a Contracting State shall be treated
as secret in the same manner as information ob-
tained under the domestic laws of that State and
shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities
(including courts and administrative bodies)
concerned with the assessment or collection of,
the enforcement or prosecution in respect of,
the determination of appeals in relation to the
taxes referred to in paragraph 1, or the oversight
of the above. Such persons or authorities shall
use the information only for such purposes.
They may disclose the information in public
court proceedings or in judicial decisions. Not-
withstanding the foregoing, information re-
ceived by a Contracting State may be used for

Bilaga 1

background image


SFS 2013:373

v�ndas f�r andra �ndam�l d� s�dana upplys-
ningar kan anv�ndas f�r s�dana andra �ndam�l
enligt lagstiftningen i b�da staterna och den be-
h�riga myndigheten i den stat som l�mnar upp-
lysningarna till�ter s�dan anv�ndning.

3. Best�mmelserna i punkterna 1 och 2 med-

f�r inte skyldighet f�r en avtalsslutande stat att:

a) vidta f�rvaltnings�tg�rder som avviker

fr�n lagstiftning och administrativ praxis i
denna avtalsslutande stat eller i den andra av-
talsslutande staten,

b) l�mna upplysningar som inte �r tillg�ng-

liga enligt lagstiftning eller sedvanlig adminis-
trativ praxis i denna avtalsslutande stat eller i
den andra avtalsslutande staten,

c) l�mna upplysningar som skulle r�ja af-

f�rshemlighet, industri-, handels- eller yrkes-
hemlighet eller i n�ringsverksamhet nyttjat f�r-
faringss�tt eller upplysningar, vilkas �verl�m-
nande skulle strida mot allm�nna h�nsyn
(ordre public).

4. D� en avtalsslutande stat beg�r upplys-

ningar enligt denna artikel ska den andra av-
talsslutande staten anv�nda de medel som
denna stat f�rfogar �ver f�r att inh�mta de be-
g�rda upplysningarna, �ven om denna andra
stat inte har behov av upplysningarna f�r sina
egna beskattnings�ndam�l. F�rpliktelsen i f�-
reg�ende mening begr�nsas av best�mmelserna
i punkt 3, men detta medf�r inte en r�tt f�r en
avtalsslutande stat att v�gra att l�mna upplys-
ningar uteslutande d�rf�r att denna stat inte har
n�got eget intresse av s�dana upplysningar.

5. Best�mmelserna i punkt 3 medf�r inte en

r�tt f�r en avtalsslutande stat att v�gra att
l�mna upplysningar uteslutande d�rf�r att upp-
lysningarna innehas av en bank, annan finan-
siell institution, ombud, representant eller f�r-
valtare eller d�rf�r att upplysningarna g�ller
�gander�tt i en person.

other purposes when such information may be
used for such other purposes under the laws of
both States and the competent authority of the
supplying State authorises such use.

(3) In no case shall the provisions of para-

graphs 1 and 2 be construed so as to impose on
a Contracting State the obligation:

(a) to carry out administrative measures at

variance with the laws and administrative prac-
tice of that or of the other Contracting State;

(b) to supply information which is not ob-

tainable under the laws or in the normal course
of the administration of that or of the other
Contracting State;

(c) to supply information which would dis-

close any trade, business, industrial, commer-
cial or professional secret or trade process, or
information the disclosure of which would be
contrary to public policy (ordre public).

(4) If information is requested by a Contract-

ing State in accordance with this Article, the
other Contracting State shall use its informa-
tion gathering measures to obtain the requested
information, even though that other State may
not need such information for its own tax pur-
poses. The obligation contained in the preced-
ing sentence is subject to the limitations of par-
agraph 3 but in no case shall such limitations
be construed to permit a Contracting State to
decline to supply information solely because it
has no domestic interest in such information.

(5) In no case shall the provisions of para-

graph 3 be construed to permit a Contracting
State to decline to supply information solely
because the information is held by a bank,
other financial institution, nominee or person
acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or
because it relates to ownership interests in a

background image


SFS 2013:373

Till artikel 25:

Beskattningen i Indien av svenska bolags fasta
driftst�llen skall inte i n�got fall avvika mer
ifr�n beskattningen av liknande indiska bolag
�n som f�reskrivs i indisk lag vid tidpunkten
f�r undertecknandet av detta avtal.

Till artikel 27:

1. En avtalsslutande stat f�r till�ta att f�re-

tr�dare f�r den beh�riga myndigheten i den
andra avtalsslutande staten n�rvarar i den f�rst-
n�mnda avtalsslutande staten f�r att h�ra fysis-
ka personer och granska handlingar efter skrift-
ligt medgivande av de ber�rda personerna. Den
beh�riga myndigheten i den sistn�mnda avtals-
slutande staten ska meddela den beh�riga myn-
digheten i den f�rstn�mnda avtalsslutande sta-
ten om tid och plats f�r m�tet med dessa perso-

2. P� beg�ran av den beh�riga myndigheten

i en avtalsslutande stat f�r den beh�riga myn-
digheten i den andra avtalsslutande staten till-
l�ta att f�retr�dare f�r den beh�riga myndighe-
ten i den f�rstn�mnda avtalsslutande staten �r
n�rvarande vid skatteutredning i den sist-
n�mnda avtalsslutande staten till den del detta
anses l�mpligt.

3. Bifalls en beg�ran enligt punkt 2 ska den

beh�riga myndigheten i den avtalsslutande stat
som utf�r utredningen snarast m�jligt under-
r�tta den beh�riga myndigheten i den andra av-
talsslutande staten om tid och plats f�r utred-
ningen, om den myndighet eller person som
bemyndigats att utf�ra utredningen samt om de
f�rfaranden och villkor som den f�rstn�mnda
avtalsslutande staten fastst�llt f�r utf�randet av
utredningen. Alla beslut betr�ffande utf�randet
av utredningen ska fattas av den avtalsslutande
stat som utf�r utredningen.

With reference to Article 25:

The taxation in India of permanent establish-
ments of Swedish companies, shall in no case
differ more from the taxation of similar Indian
companies than is provided by the Indian law
on the date of signature of this Convention.

With reference to Article 27:

1. A Contracting State may allow represent-

atives of the competent authority of the other
Contracting State to enter the territory of the
first-mentioned Contracting State to interview
individuals and examine records with the writ-
ten consent of the persons concerned. The
competent authority of the second-mentioned
Contracting State shall notify the competent
authority of the first-mentioned Contracting
State of the time and place of the meeting with
the individuals concerned.

2. At the request of the competent authority

of one Contracting State, the competent author-
ity of the other Contracting State may allow
representatives of the competent authority of
the first-mentioned Contracting State to be
present at the appropriate part of a tax exami-
nation in the second-mentioned Contracting

3. If the request referred to in paragraph 2 is

acceded to, the competent authority of the Con-
tracting State conducting the examination
shall, as soon as possible, notify the competent
authority of the other Contracting State about
the time and place of the examination, the au-
thority or official designated to carry out the
examination and the procedures and conditions
required by the first-mentioned Contracting
State for the conduct of the examination. All
decisions with respect to the conduct of the tax
examination shall be made by the Contracting
State conducting the examination.

background image


SFS 2013:373


The Competent Authority of Sweden and the
Competent Authority of India;

Having regard to the hardship faced by the

taxpayers during the pendency of a Mutual
Agreement Procedure, under Article 26 of the
Convention between the Government of the
Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of
the Republic of India for the avoidance of dou-
ble taxation and the prevention of fiscal eva-
sion with respect to taxes on income and on
capital, which was signed on 24th June 1997
(the Convention);

Having determined and agreed that efficient

processing of Mutual Agreement Procedure
(MAP) cases will be facilitated by suspend-
ing collection of any amounts of tax, including
also any related interest or penalties, for any
taxable years which are the subject of MAP


(A) The Competent Authorities have ar-

ranged and desired to agree that with regard to
amounts of taxes covered under Article 2 of the
Convention and potentially payable to the
Government of Sweden, the Swedish Tax Au-
thority will suspend collection in accordance
with this Memorandum; and

(B) The Competent Authorities have ar-

ranged and desired to agree that with regard to
amounts of taxes covered under Article 2 of the
Convention and potentially payable to the
Government of India, the Assessing Officer
will suspend collection in accordance with this


Den beh�riga myndigheten i Sverige och den
beh�riga myndigheten i Indien,

Som beaktar de sv�righeter som m�ter skatt-

skyldiga under p�g�ende f�rfarande f�r �mse-
sidig �verenskommelse enligt artikel 26 i avta-
let mellan Konungariket Sveriges regering och
Republiken Indiens regering f�r undvikande av
dubbelbeskattning och f�rhindrande av skatte-
flykt betr�ffande skatter p� inkomst och p� f�r-
m�genhet, undertecknat den 24 juni 1997 (av-

Som har enats om att en effektiv handl�gg-

ning av �renden enligt f�rfarande vid �msesi-
diga �verenskommelser, fr�mjas av att anst�nd
medges med betalning av skattebelopp, d�ri in-
begripet r�nta eller straffavgift, som h�nf�r sig
till beskattnings�r som �r f�rem�l f�r ett f�rfa-
rande vid �msesidig �verenskommelse,


A. De beh�riga myndigheterna �nskat kom-

ma �verens om att Skatteverket, enligt denna
�verenskommelse, ska bevilja anst�nd med be-
talning av s�dana skattebelopp som omfattas av
artikel 2 i avtalet och som ska betalas i Sverige,

B. De beh�riga myndigheterna �nskat kom-

ma �verens om att the Assessing Officer, enligt
denna �verenskommelse, ska bevilja anst�nd
med betalning av s�dana skattebelopp som om-
fattas av artikel 2 i avtalet och som ska betalas i

Bilaga 2


background image


SFS 2013:373

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the
premises, covenants and conditions herein con-
tained and in implementing this arrangement:

HAVE AGREED as follows:

(1) The tax authorities of India and Sweden

shall retain the right to demand security in ap-
propriate cases, as deemed fit and necessary to
avoid prejudicing the interests of their respec-
tive governments.

(2) In India, as security, a taxpayer shall pro-

vide an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by
any scheduled bank, or by an Indian branch of
a foreign bank approved by the Reserve Bank
of India to carry out banking business in India,
as per annexure A to this Memorandum.

(3) In Sweden, as security, a taxpayer shall,

upon demand, provide an irrevocable Bank
Guarantee issued by a bank that is authorized
by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Author-
ity or any other form of security deemed ade-
quate by the Swedish Tax Authority.

(4) The amount, if any, for which security is

demanded under paragraph (2) or (3) above, as
the case may be, shall not exceed the amount of
additional tax demanded by the tax authority
requiring the security (aggregated for all the
periods pending before the Competent Authori-
ties), and, if applicable, as adjusted by the As-
sessing Officer in accordance with domestic
laws, and subject to further adjustment for in-
terest on these amounts calculated at the statu-
tory rate on non-payments.

(5) Collection of any interest or penalty lev-

ied from the concerned taxpayer, in relation to
amounts suspended from collection under this
Memorandum, shall also be suspended subject
to paragraph (4). For the avoidance of doubt,
interest, if appropriate, will continue to run
while the collection is suspended.

(6) The Competent Authorities shall endeav-

our to either resolve or close the case within a

HAR, med beaktande av de f�resatser, best�m-
melser och villkor som f�ljer av denna �ver-
enskommelse samt genom implementeringen
av denna,


1. Skattemyndigheterna i Indien och Sverige

har kvar r�tten att beg�ra s�kerhet i fall d�r s�-
dan bed�ms vara n�dv�ndig f�r att undvika att
allm�nna intressen i respektive stat skadas.

2. I Indien ska den skattskyldige l�mna s�-

kerhet, i enlighet med bilaga A till denna
�verenskommelse, i form av en o�terkallelig
bankgaranti utst�lld av en registrerad bank el-
ler av en utl�ndsk banks indiska filial, vilken
av the Reserve Bank of India godk�nts att be-
driva bankverksamhet i Indien.

3. I Sverige ska den skattskyldige, p� beg�-

ran, l�mna s�kerhet i form av en o�terkallelig
bankgaranti utst�lld av en bank som bedriver
verksamhet med tillst�nd av Finansinspektio-
nen, eller annan s�dan form av s�kerhet som
Skatteverket finner l�mplig.

4. Varje belopp f�r vilket s�kerhet beg�rs

enligt punkt 2 respektive 3 ovan, f�r inte �ver-
stiga den skatt (sammanlagd ber�knad f�r alla
beskattningsperioder som �r f�rem�l f�r p�g�-
ende f�rfarande om �msesidig �verenskom-
melse mellan de beh�riga myndigheterna) som
p�f�rts av den skattemyndighet som beg�r s�-
kerheten och, i f�rekommande fall, s�som
denna skatt justerats av the Assessing Officer,
enligt intern lagstiftning och med f�rbeh�ll f�r
ytterligare justering f�r lagstadgad r�nta f�r
utebliven betalning.

5. Anst�nd med betalning ska  med de be-

gr�nsningar som f�ljer av punkt 4  ocks�
medges f�r r�nta eller straffavgift som p�f�rs
ber�rd skattskyldig och som h�nf�r sig till be-
lopp f�r vilka anst�nd medgivits enligt denna
�verenskommelse. F�r att undvika tvivelsm�l,
i f�rekommande fall f�r r�nta ber�knas under
tid f�r vilken anst�nd med betalning medgivits.

6. De beh�riga myndigheterna ska s�ka l�sa

eller avsluta �rendet inom tv� �r fr�n den dag

background image


SFS 2013:373

period of two years from the date on which one
Competent Authority notifies the other that the
application from the Taxpayer(s) for assistance
under the MAP has been received.

(7) The maximum period for which collec-

tion can be suspended under this Memorandum
shall be two years unless extended by mutual
consent by both the Competent Authorities.
However, in no case shall the aggregate peri-
ods for which collection is suspended exceed
five years.

(8) Any draw-down upon a Bank Guarantee

referred to in paragraph (2) or (3) above will be
done only after notification by one Competent
Authority to the other about the completion of
the Mutual Agreement Procedure, or of the
time limit under paragraph (7), whichever ear-

(9) In the event of a lapse of security under

paragraph (2) or (3), the taxpayer shall be per-
mitted to substitute another form of security
under such paragraph, provided such substitu-
tion takes effect not less than 30 days prior to
the lapse of the prior security. Such substitu-
tion will relieve the bank which provided the
first Bank Guarantee from its obligations to the
concerned Government of India or Sweden un-
der that first security.

(10) The terms of this Memorandum may be

reviewed by the Competent Authorities at any-
time in the future upon the request of either

(11) This Agreement shall enter into force

on the thirtieth day after the notification in
writing by the Competent Authority of Sweden
to the Competent Authority of India of the
completion of the procedures required by its
law for the entry into force of this Agreement.

Dated at Stockholm, 7 February 2013

For the Competent Authority of Sweden

Ingela Willfors

For the Competent Authority of India

Sanjay Kumar Mishra

d� en beh�rig myndighet underr�ttar den andra
om att den mottagit en ans�kan om �msesidig
�verenskommelse fr�n den skattskyldige.

7. Anst�nd enligt denna �verenkommelse

kan medges i h�gst tv� �r, s�vida inte de beh�-
riga myndigheterna kommer �verens om att
anst�ndet ska f�rl�ngas. Den sammanlagda
tidsperiod f�r vilken anst�nd kan medges, ska
emellertid inte i n�got fall �verstiga fem �r.

8. Bankgaranti som avses i punkt 2 eller 3

ovan f�r endast tas i anspr�k efter att den ena
beh�riga myndigheten underr�ttat den andra
om att f�rfarandet f�r �msesidig �verenskom-
melse �r slutf�rt, eller att den tidsperiod som
anges i punkt 7 l�pt ut, beroende p� vilket som
intr�ffar f�rst.

9. I h�ndelse av att s�kerhet som avses i

punkt 2 eller 3 upph�r, f�r den skattskyldige er-
s�tta denna med annan s�kerhet i enlighet med
en av dessa punkter, s�vida detta sker senast 30
dagar innan den tidigare s�kerheten upph�r.
Vid s�dant ers�ttande befrias den bank som
st�llde ut f�rstn�mnda bankgaranti fr�n sina
skyldigheter enligt garantin gentemot ber�rd
myndighet i Indien eller Sverige.

10. Best�mmelserna i denna �verenskom-

melse kan p� beg�ran av endera parten n�r som
helst bli f�rem�l f�r �versyn av de beh�riga

11. Denna �verenskommelse tr�der i kraft

den trettionde dagen efter den dag d� den beh�-
riga myndigheten i Sverige skriftligen underr�t-
tar den beh�riga myndigheten i Indien om att de
konstitutionella �tg�rder som kr�vs f�r att �ver-
enskommelsen ska tr�da ikraft har vidtagits.

Stockholm, den 7 februari 2013

F�r den beh�riga myndigheten i Sverige

Ingela Willfors

F�r den beh�riga myndigheten i Indien

Sanjay Kumar Mishra

background image

Norstedts Juridik AB/Fritzes

Elanders Sverige AB, 2013
