SFS 2003:74 Lag om ändring i lagen (1994:1219) om den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna

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.ft68{font-size:14px;line-height:17px;font-family:ICGAOJ+Times;color:#000000;} --> </style> <div id="page1-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:0px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:655px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">1</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-18px;left:5px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft12"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:80px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft12"><b>Svensk f�rfattningssamling</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-13px;left:11px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft13"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:189px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft112"><b>Lag<br/>om �ndring i lagen (1994:1219) om den europeiska <br/>konventionen ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga <br/>r�ttigheterna och de grundl�ggande friheterna;</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:15px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:283px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">utf�rdad den 6 mars 2003.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:319px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">Enligt riksdagens beslut</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-5px;left:20px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft14"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:317px;left:242px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft15">1</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:21px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:319px;left:246px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11"> f�reskrivs att lagen (1994:1219) om den euro-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:336px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft113">peiska konventionen ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och de<br/>grundl�ggande friheterna</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-5px;left:26px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft14"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:352px;left:231px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft15">2</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:27px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:354px;left:235px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11"> skall ha f�ljande lydelse.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">Som lag h�r i landet skall g�lla den europeiska konventionen den</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:407px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft113">4 november 1950 ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och de<br/>grundl�ggande friheterna</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:442px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11"> med de �ndringar som gjorts genom till�ggsprotokoll nr 11 till konven-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:460px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">tionen, och</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:478px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11"> med de till�gg som gjorts genom till�ggsprotokollen nr 1, 4, 6, 7 och 13</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">till konventionen.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:513px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">Konventionens och till�ggsprotokollens engelska och franska original-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:531px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft113">texter, efter de �ndringar och till�gg som n�mns i f�rsta stycket, finns till-<br/>sammans med en svensk �vers�ttning intagna som en bilaga till denna lag.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:32px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft10"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:584px;left:100px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">Denna lag tr�der i kraft den dag som regeringen best�mmer.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:620px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">P� regeringens v�gnar</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:655px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft11">P�R NUDER</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:673px;left:316px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft113">Henrik Jermsten<br/>(Justitiedepartementet)</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-4px;left:36px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft16"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:906px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft16">1</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-8px;left:38px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft17"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:908px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft18">Prop. 2002/03:32, bet. 2002/03:UU6, rskr. 2002/03:101.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-4px;left:42px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft16"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:919px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft16">2</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-8px;left:44px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft17"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:921px;left:93px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft18">Lagen omtryckt 1998:712.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:175px;left:547px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft19"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:200px;left:547px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft114">Utkom fr�n trycket<br/>den 18 mars 2003</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-6px;left:54px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft110"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:953px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft110">2*</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-6px;left:57px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft111"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:953px;left:101px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft111"><i>SFS 2003:7482</i></p> </div> <div id="page2-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:60px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:37px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft21">2</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-11px;left:65px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft22"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:38px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft22"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:68px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft23"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:577px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft24"><i>Bilaga</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:72px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft25"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:188px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Protocol No. 13 to the Con-<br/>vention for the Protection of<br/>Human Rights and Funda-<br/>mental Freedoms, concern-<br/>ing the abolition of the<br/>death penalty in all circum-<br/>stances</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:75px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:329px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">The member States of the<br/>Council of Europe signatory<br/>hereto, </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:400px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Convinced that everyones<br/>right to life is a basic value in<br/>a democratic society and that<br/>the abolition of the death pen-<br/>alty is essential for the pro-<br/>tection of this right and for<br/>the full recognition of the in-<br/>herent dignity of all human<br/>beings;<br/> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:594px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Wishing to strengthen the<br/>protection of the right to life<br/>guaranteed by the Convention<br/>for the Protection of Human<br/>Rights and Fundamental<br/>Freedoms signed at Rome on<br/>4 November 1950 (herein-<br/>after referred to as the Con-<br/>vention); </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:770px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Noting that Protocol No. 6 to<br/>the Convention, concerning<br/>the Abolition of the Death<br/>Penalty, signed at Strasbourg<br/>on 28 April 1983, does not<br/>exclude the death penalty in</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:80px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft25"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:188px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Protocole n� 13 � la Con-<br/>vention de sauvegarde des<br/>Droits de lHomme et des<br/>Libert�s fondamentales, re-<br/>latif � labolition de la peine<br/>de mort en toutes circons-<br/>tances</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:83px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:329px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Les Etats membres du Con-<br/>seil de lEurope, signataires<br/>du pr�sent Protocole,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:400px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Convaincus que le droit de<br/>toute personne � la vie est une<br/>valeur fondamentale dans une<br/>soci�t� d�mocratique, et que<br/>labolition de la peine de<br/>mort est essentielle � la pro-<br/>tection de ce droit et � la<br/>pleine reconnaissance de la<br/>dignit� inh�rente � tous les<br/>�tres humains ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:594px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Souhaitant renforcer la pro-<br/>tection du droit � la vie garanti<br/>par la Convention de sauve-<br/>garde des Droits de lHomme<br/>et des Libert�s Fondamentales<br/>sign�e � Rome le 4 novembre<br/>1950 (ci-apr�s d�nomm�e � la<br/>Convention �) ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:770px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Notant que le Protocole n� 6 �<br/>la Convention concernant<br/>labolition de la peine de<br/>mort, sign� � Strasbourg le<br/>28 avril 1983, nexclut pas la<br/>peine de mort pour des actes</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:87px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft25"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:188px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Protokoll nr 13 till konven-<br/>tionen om skydd f�r de<br/>m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och<br/>de grundl�ggande frihe-<br/>terna, avseende avskaffande<br/>av d�dsstraffet under alla<br/>omst�ndigheter</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:90px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft20"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:329px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">Europar�dets medlemsstater,<br/>som har undertecknat detta<br/>protokoll,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:400px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">som �r �vertygade om att al-<br/>las r�tt till liv �r ett grundl�g-<br/>gande v�rde i ett demokra-<br/>tiskt samh�lle och att avskaf-<br/>fandet av d�dsstraffet �r n�d-<br/>v�ndigt f�r skyddet av denna<br/>r�ttighet och f�r det fulla er-<br/>k�nnandet av alla m�nnis-<br/>kors inneboende v�rdighet,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:594px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">som �nskar st�rka det skydd<br/>av r�tten till livet som garan-<br/>teras av konventionen om<br/>skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttig-<br/>heterna och de grundl�ggande<br/>friheterna, vilken underteck-<br/>nades i Rom den 4 november<br/>1950 (nedan kallad konven-<br/>tionen),</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:770px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft28">som beaktar att protokoll nr 6<br/>till konventionen om avskaf-<br/>fande av d�dsstraffet, som<br/>undertecknades i Strasbourg<br/>den 28 april 1983, inte uteslu-<br/>ter d�dsstraff f�r handlingar</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:95px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft25"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:92px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Convention for the Protec-<br/>tion of Human Rights and<br/>Fundamental Freedoms</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:92px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Convention de Sauvegarde<br/>des Droits de lHomme et<br/>des Libert�s fondamentales</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:92px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft27"><b>Europeiska konventionen<br/>om skydd f�r de m�nskliga<br/>r�ttigheterna och de grund-<br/>l�ggande friheterna</b></p> </div> <div id="page3-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:98px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:658px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft31">3</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-11px;left:102px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft32"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:580px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft32"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:105px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">respect of acts committed in<br/>time of war or of imminent<br/>threat of war; </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">Being resolved to take the fi-<br/>nal step in order to abolish<br/>the death penalty in all cir-<br/>cumstances, </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:248px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft31">Have agreed as follows: </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:110px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:301px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 1  Abolition of the<br/>death penalty</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:113px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:354px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">The death penalty shall be<br/>abolished. No one shall be<br/>condemned to such penalty or<br/>executed. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:117px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:442px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 2  Prohibition of der-<br/>ogations</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:120px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">No derogation from the pro-<br/>visions of this Protocol shall<br/>be made under Article 15 of<br/>the Convention. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:125px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:583px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 3  Prohibition of res-<br/>ervations</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:128px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:636px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">No reservation may be made<br/>under Article 57 of the Con-<br/>vention in respect of the pro-<br/>visions of this Protocol. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:132px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:724px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 4  Territorial appli-<br/>cation</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:135px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:777px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">1 Any State may, at the<br/>time of signature or when de-<br/>positing its instrument of rati-<br/>fication, acceptance or ap-<br/>proval, specify the territory or<br/>territories to which this Proto-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">commis en temps de guerre<br/>ou de danger imminent de<br/>guerre ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">R�solus � faire le pas ultime<br/>afin dabolir la peine de mort<br/>en toutes circonstances, </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:248px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft31">Sont convenus de ce qui suit :</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:140px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:301px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 1  Abolition de la<br/>peine de mort</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:143px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:354px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">La peine de mort est abolie.<br/>Nul ne peut �tre condamn� �<br/>une telle peine ni ex�cut�.<br/> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:147px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:442px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 2  Interdiction de d�-<br/>rogations</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:150px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">Aucune d�rogation nest<br/>autoris�e aux dispositions du<br/>pr�sent Protocole au titre de<br/>larticle 15 de la Convention. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:155px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:583px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 3  Interdiction de r�-<br/>serves</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:158px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:636px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">Aucune r�serve nest admise<br/>aux dispositions du pr�sent<br/>Protocole au titre de larticle<br/>57 de la Convention.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:162px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:724px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Article 4  Application terri-<br/>toriale</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:165px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:777px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">1 Tout Etat peut, au mo-<br/>ment de la signature ou au<br/>moment du d�p�t de son ins-<br/>trument de ratification, dac-<br/>ceptation ou dapprobation,<br/>d�signer le ou les territoires</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">som beg�tts under krigstid el-<br/>ler under �verh�ngande krigs-<br/>hot,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">som �r fast beslutna att ta det<br/>avg�rande steget f�r att av-<br/>skaffa d�dsstraffet under alla<br/>omst�ndigheter,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:248px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">har kommit �verens om f�l-<br/>jande.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:170px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:301px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Artikel 1  Avskaffande av<br/>d�dsstraffet</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:173px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:354px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">D�dsstraffet skall vara av-<br/>skaffat. Ingen f�r d�mas till<br/>ett s�dant straff eller avr�ttas.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:177px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:442px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Artikel 2  F�rbud mot avvi-<br/>kelser</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:180px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">Avvikelser enligt artikel 15 i<br/>konventionen f�r inte ske fr�n<br/>best�mmelserna i detta proto-<br/>koll.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:185px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:583px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Artikel 3  F�rbud mot f�rbe-<br/>h�ll</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:188px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:636px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">F�rbeh�ll enligt artikel 57 i<br/>konventionen f�r inte g�ras<br/>betr�ffande best�mmelserna i<br/>detta protokoll.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:192px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft33"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:724px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft36"><i>Artikel 4  Territoriell till-<br/>l�mpning</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:195px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft30"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:777px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft35">1. En stat kan vid tidpunkten<br/>f�r undertecknandet eller n�r<br/>den deponerar sitt ratifika-<br/>tions-, godtagande- eller god-<br/>k�nnandeinstrument ange p�<br/>vilket territorium eller vilka</p> </div> <div id="page4-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:200px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:37px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">4</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-11px;left:204px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:38px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft42"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:207px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">col shall apply. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">2 </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:50px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:53px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:57px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:60px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">Any State may at any</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">later date, by a declaration<br/>addressed to the Secretary<br/>General of the Council of Eu-<br/>rope, extend the application<br/>of this Protocol to any other<br/>territory specified in the dec-<br/>laration. In respect of such<br/>territory the Protocol shall en-<br/>ter into force on the first day<br/>of the month following the<br/>expiration of a period of three<br/>months after the date of re-<br/>ceipt of such declaration by<br/>the Secretary General. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:424px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">3 Any declaration made un-<br/>der the two preceding para-<br/>graphs may, in respect of any<br/>territory specified in such<br/>declaration, be withdrawn or<br/>modified by a notification ad-<br/>dressed to the Secretary Gen-<br/>eral. The withdrawal or modi-<br/>fication shall become effec-<br/>tive on the first day of the<br/>month following the expira-<br/>tion of a period of three<br/>months after the date of re-<br/>ceipt of such notification by<br/>the Secretary General. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:212px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:707px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft46"><i>Article 5  Relationship to the<br/>Convention</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:215px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:760px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">As between the States Parties<br/>the provisions of Articles 1 to<br/>4 of this Protocol shall be re-<br/>garded as additional articles<br/>to the Convention, and all the<br/>provisions of the Convention<br/>shall apply accordingly. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">auxquels sappliquera le pr�-<br/>sent Protocole.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">2 </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:251px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:255px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:259px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:262px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft41">Tout Etat peut, � tout</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:159px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">autre moment par la suite, par<br/>une d�claration adress�e au<br/>Secr�taire G�n�ral du Conseil<br/>de lEurope, �tendre lappli-<br/>cation du pr�sent Protocole �<br/>tout autre territoire d�sign�<br/>dans la d�claration. Le Proto-<br/>cole entrera en vigueur �<br/>l�gard de ce territoire le pre-<br/>mier jour du mois qui suit<br/>lexpiration dune p�riode de<br/>trois mois apr�s la date de r�-<br/>ception de la d�claration par<br/>le Secr�taire G�n�ral.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:424px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">3 Toute d�claration faite en<br/>vertu des deux paragraphes<br/>pr�c�dents pourra �tre retir�e<br/>ou modifi�e, en ce qui con-<br/>cerne tout territoire d�sign�<br/>dans cette d�claration, par no-<br/>tification adress�e au Secr�-<br/>taire G�n�ral. Le retrait ou la<br/>modification prendra effet le<br/>premier jour du mois qui suit<br/>lexpiration dune p�riode de<br/>trois mois apr�s la date de r�-<br/>ception de la notification par<br/>le Secr�taire G�n�ral.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:219px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:707px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft46"><i>Article 5  Relations avec la<br/>Convention</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:222px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:760px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">Les Etats Parties consid�rent<br/>les articles 1 � 4 du pr�sent<br/>Protocole comme des articles<br/>additionnels � la Convention,<br/>et toutes les dispositions de la<br/>Convention sappliquent en<br/>cons�quence.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:88px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">territorier detta protokoll skall<br/>vara till�mpligt.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:141px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">2. En stat kan vid en senare<br/>tidpunkt, genom en f�rklaring<br/>st�lld till Europar�dets gene-<br/>ralsekreterare, utstr�cka till-<br/>l�mpningen av detta protokoll<br/>till ett annat territorium som<br/>anges i f�rklaringen. Med av-<br/>seende p� ett s�dant territo-<br/>rium tr�der protokollet i kraft<br/>den f�rsta dagen i den m�nad<br/>som f�ljer efter utg�ngen av<br/>en tid av tre m�nader r�knat<br/>fr�n den dag d� generalsekre-<br/>teraren mottog f�rklaringen.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:423px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">3. En f�rklaring som avgetts i<br/>enlighet med de b�da f�reg�-<br/>ende punkterna kan, med av-<br/>seende p� ett territorium som<br/>har angetts i f�rklaringen,<br/>�terkallas eller �ndras genom<br/>en underr�ttelse st�lld till ge-<br/>neralsekreteraren. �terkallel-<br/>sen eller �ndringen g�ller fr�n<br/>den f�rsta dagen i den m�nad<br/>som f�ljer efter utg�ngen av<br/>en tid av tre m�nader r�knat<br/>fr�n den dag d� generalsekre-<br/>teraren mottog underr�ttel-<br/>sen.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:227px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft43"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:705px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft46"><i>Artikel 5  F�rh�llande till<br/>konventionen</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:230px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft40"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:758px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft45">Mellan de stater som �r parter<br/>i konventionen skall artik-<br/>larna 14 i detta protokoll an-<br/>ses som till�gg till konventio-<br/>nen och samtliga best�mmel-<br/>ser i konventionen skall till-<br/>l�mpas i enlighet d�rmed. </p> </div> <div id="page5-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:234px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:658px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft51">5</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-11px;left:239px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft52"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:580px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft52"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:242px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft57"><i>Article 6  Signature and rat-<br/>ification</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:246px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">This Protocol shall be open<br/>for signature by member<br/>States of the Council of Eu-<br/>rope which have signed the<br/>Convention. It is subject to<br/>ratification, acceptance or ap-<br/>proval. A member State of<br/>the Council of Europe may<br/>not ratify, accept or approve<br/>this Protocol without previ-<br/>ously or simultaneously rati-<br/>fying the Convention. Instru-<br/>ments of ratification, accept-<br/>ance or approval shall be de-<br/>posited with the Secretary<br/>General of the Council of Eu-<br/>rope. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:249px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:460px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft54"><i>Article 7  Entry into force</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:254px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">1 This Protocol shall enter<br/>into force on the first day of<br/>the month following the expi-<br/>ration of a period of three<br/>months after the date on<br/>which ten member States of<br/>the Council of Europe have<br/>expressed their consent to be<br/>bound by the Protocol in ac-<br/>cordance with the provisions<br/>of Article 6. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:707px;left:88px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">2 In respect of any member<br/>State which subsequently ex-<br/>presses its consent to be<br/>bound by it, the Protocol shall<br/>enter into force on the first<br/>day of the month following<br/>the expiration of a period of<br/>three months after the date of<br/>the deposit of the instrument</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:257px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft57"><i>Article 6  Signature et ratifi-<br/>cation</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:261px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">Le pr�sent Protocole est<br/>ouvert � la signature des Etats<br/>membres du Conseil de lEu-<br/>rope qui ont sign� la Conven-<br/>tion. Il sera soumis � ratifica-<br/>tion, acceptation ou approba-<br/>tion. Un Etat membre du<br/>Conseil de lEurope ne peut<br/>ratifier, accepter ou approu-<br/>ver le pr�sent Protocole sans<br/>avoir simultan�ment ou ant�-<br/>rieurement ratifi� la Conven-<br/>tion. Les instruments de rati-<br/>fication, dacceptation ou<br/>dapprobation seront d�pos�s<br/>pr�s le Secr�taire G�n�ral du<br/>Conseil de lEurope. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:264px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:460px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft54"><i>Article 7  Entr�e en vigueur</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:269px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">1 Le pr�sent Protocole en-<br/>trera en vigueur le premier<br/>jour du mois qui suit lexpira-<br/>tion dune p�riode de trois<br/>mois apr�s la date � laquelle<br/>dix Etats membres du Conseil<br/>de lEurope auront exprim�<br/>leur consentement � �tre li�s<br/>par le pr�sent Protocole con-<br/>form�ment aux dispositions<br/>de son article 6. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:707px;left:291px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">2 Pour tout Etat membre<br/>qui exprimera ult�rieurement<br/>son consentement � �tre li�<br/>par le pr�sent Protocole, ce-<br/>lui-ci entrera en vigueur le<br/>premier jour du mois qui suit<br/>lexpiration dune p�riode de<br/>trois mois apr�s la date du d�-<br/>p�t de linstrument de ratifi-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:272px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft57"><i>Artikel 6  Undertecknande<br/>och ratifikation</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:276px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">Detta protokoll st�r �ppet f�r<br/>undertecknande av de med-<br/>lemsstater i Europar�det som<br/>har undertecknat konven-<br/>tionen. Det skall ratificeras,<br/>godtas eller godk�nnas. En<br/>medlemsstat f�r inte ratifi-<br/>cera, godta eller godk�nna<br/>detta protokoll om den inte<br/>samtidigt eller tidigare har ra-<br/>tificerat konventionen. Ratifi-<br/>kations-, godtagande- eller<br/>godk�nnandeinstrument skall<br/>deponeras hos Europar�dets<br/>generalsekreterare.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:279px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft53"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:460px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft54"><i>Artikel 7  Ikrafttr�dande</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:284px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft50"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft51">1. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:495px;left:506px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft51">Detta protokoll tr�der i</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:513px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">kraft den f�rsta dagen i den<br/>m�nad som f�ljer efter ut-<br/>g�ngen av en tid av tre m�na-<br/>der r�knat fr�n den dag d� tio<br/>av Europar�dets medlemssta-<br/>ter har uttryckt sitt samtycke<br/>till att vara bundna av proto-<br/>kollet i enlighet med best�m-<br/>melserna i artikel 6. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:707px;left:492px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft58">2. I f�rh�llande till en med-<br/>lemsstat som senare ut-<br/>trycker sitt samtycke till att<br/>vara bunden av protokollet<br/>tr�der det i kraft den f�rsta<br/>dagen i den m�nad som f�ljer<br/>efter utg�ngen av en tid av tre<br/>m�nader r�knat fr�n den dag<br/>d� ratifikations-, godta-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-6px;left:287px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft55"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:953px;left:85px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft55">3*</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-6px;left:289px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft56"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:953px;left:101px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft56"><i>SFS 2003:7482</i></p> </div> <div id="page6-div" style="position:relative;width:702px;height:1029px;"> <img width="702" height="1029" src="/Static/i/lagboken/hidden.png" alt="background image"/> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:293px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:922px;left:37px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">6</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-11px;left:297px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft62"><b> </b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:51px;left:38px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft62"><b>SFS 2003:74</b></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-5px;left:300px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft63"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:942px;left:498px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft64">Thomson Fakta, tel. 08-587 671 00</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:951px;left:505px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft64">Elanders Gotab, Stockholm 2003</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:303px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">of ratification, acceptance or<br/>approval. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:306px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft65"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft68"><i>Article 8  Depositary func-<br/>tions</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:311px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:195px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">The Secretary General of the<br/>Council of Europe shall no-<br/>tify all the member States of<br/>the Council of Europe of: </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:283px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">a any signature; </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:318px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">b the deposit of any instru-<br/>ment of ratification, accept-<br/>ance or approval; </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">c </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:49px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:52px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:56px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:60px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">any date of entry into</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:407px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">force of this Protocol in<br/>accordance with Articles 4<br/>and 7; </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:477px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">d any other act, notification<br/>or communication relating to<br/>this Protocol. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:548px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">In witness whereof the under-<br/>signed, being duly authorised<br/>thereto, have signed this Pro-<br/>tocol. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:636px;left:39px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Done at Vilnius, this 3rd day<br/>of May 2002, in English and<br/>in French, both texts being<br/>equally authentic, in a single<br/>copy which shall be deposited<br/>in the archives of the Council<br/>of Europe. The Secretary<br/>General of the Council of Eu-<br/>rope shall transmit certified<br/>copies to each member State<br/>of the Council of Europe.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:89px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">cation, dacceptation ou dap-<br/>probation. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:314px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft65"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:142px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft68"><i>Article 8  Fonctions du d�-<br/>positaire</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:318px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:195px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Le Secr�taire G�n�ral du<br/>Conseil de lEurope notifiera<br/>� tous les Etats membres du<br/>Conseil de lEurope :</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:283px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">a toute signature ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:318px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">b le d�p�t de tout instru-<br/>ment de ratification, daccep-<br/>tation ou dapprobation ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:389px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">c toute date dentr�e en vi-<br/>gueur du pr�sent Protocole<br/>conform�ment � ses articles 4<br/>et 7 ;</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:477px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">d tout autre acte, notifica-<br/>tion ou communication, ayant<br/>trait au pr�sent Protocole. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:548px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">En foi de quoi, les soussi-<br/>gn�s, d�ment autoris�s � cet<br/>effet, ont sign� le pr�sent Pro-<br/>tocole. </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:636px;left:240px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Fait � Vilnius, le 3 mai 2002,<br/>en fran�ais et en anglais, les<br/>deux textes faisant �galement<br/>foi, en un seul exemplaire qui<br/>sera d�pos� dans les archives<br/>du Conseil de lEurope. Le<br/>Secr�taire G�n�ral du Conseil<br/>de lEurope en communi-<br/>quera copie certifi�e con-<br/>forme � chacun des Etats<br/>membres du Conseil de lEu-<br/>rope.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:88px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">gande- eller godk�nnandein-<br/>strumentet deponerades.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:321px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft65"><i> </i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:141px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft68"><i>Artikel 8  Depositariens<br/>uppgifter</i></p> <p style="position:absolute;top:-9px;left:326px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft60"> </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:193px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Europar�dets generalsekrete-<br/>rare skall underr�tta alla<br/>Europar�dets medlemsstater<br/>om</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:282px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">a) undertecknande,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:317px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">b) </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:317px;left:458px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">deponering av ratifika-</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:335px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">tions-, godtagande- eller god-<br/>k�nnandeinstrument,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:388px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">c) </p> <p style="position:absolute;top:388px;left:457px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft61">dag f�r detta protokolls</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:405px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">ikrafttr�dande enligt artik-<br/>larna 4 och 7,</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:476px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">d) andra �tg�rder, notifikatio-<br/>ner eller underr�ttelser som<br/>r�r detta protokoll.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:547px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Till bekr�ftelse h�rav har un-<br/>dertecknade, d�rtill vederb�r-<br/>ligen befullm�ktigade, under-<br/>tecknat detta protokoll.</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:635px;left:442px;white-space:nowrap" class="ft67">Uppr�ttat i Vilnius den 3 maj<br/>2002 p� engelska och fran-<br/>ska, vilka b�da texter �r lika<br/>giltiga, i ett enda exemplar<br/>som skall deponeras i Euro-<br/>par�dets arkiv. Europar�dets<br/>generalsekreterare skall �ver-<br/>l�mna en bestyrkt kopia till<br/>varje medlemsstat i Europar�-<br/>det.</p> </div> </div>
background image


Svensk f�rfattningssamling

om �ndring i lagen (1994:1219) om den europeiska
konventionen ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga
r�ttigheterna och de grundl�ggande friheterna;

utf�rdad den 6 mars 2003.

Enligt riksdagens beslut


f�reskrivs att lagen (1994:1219) om den euro-

peiska konventionen ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och de
grundl�ggande friheterna


skall ha f�ljande lydelse.

Som lag h�r i landet skall g�lla den europeiska konventionen den

4 november 1950 ang�ende skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och de
grundl�ggande friheterna

 med de �ndringar som gjorts genom till�ggsprotokoll nr 11 till konven-

tionen, och

 med de till�gg som gjorts genom till�ggsprotokollen nr 1, 4, 6, 7 och 13

till konventionen.

Konventionens och till�ggsprotokollens engelska och franska original-

texter, efter de �ndringar och till�gg som n�mns i f�rsta stycket, finns till-
sammans med en svensk �vers�ttning intagna som en bilaga till denna lag.

Denna lag tr�der i kraft den dag som regeringen best�mmer.

P� regeringens v�gnar


Henrik Jermsten


Prop. 2002/03:32, bet. 2002/03:UU6, rskr. 2002/03:101.


Lagen omtryckt 1998:712.

SFS 2003:74

Utkom fr�n trycket
den 18 mars 2003


SFS 2003:7482

background image


SFS 2003:74


Protocol No. 13 to the Con-
vention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Funda-
mental Freedoms, concern-
ing the abolition of the
death penalty in all circum-

The member States of the
Council of Europe signatory

Convinced that everyones
right to life is a basic value in
a democratic society and that
the abolition of the death pen-
alty is essential for the pro-
tection of this right and for
the full recognition of the in-
herent dignity of all human

Wishing to strengthen the
protection of the right to life
guaranteed by the Convention
for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms signed at Rome on
4 November 1950 (herein-
after referred to as the Con-

Noting that Protocol No. 6 to
the Convention, concerning
the Abolition of the Death
Penalty, signed at Strasbourg
on 28 April 1983, does not
exclude the death penalty in

Protocole n� 13 � la Con-
vention de sauvegarde des
Droits de lHomme et des
Libert�s fondamentales, re-
latif � labolition de la peine
de mort en toutes circons-

Les Etats membres du Con-
seil de lEurope, signataires
du pr�sent Protocole,

Convaincus que le droit de
toute personne � la vie est une
valeur fondamentale dans une
soci�t� d�mocratique, et que
labolition de la peine de
mort est essentielle � la pro-
tection de ce droit et � la
pleine reconnaissance de la
dignit� inh�rente � tous les
�tres humains ;

Souhaitant renforcer la pro-
tection du droit � la vie garanti
par la Convention de sauve-
garde des Droits de lHomme
et des Libert�s Fondamentales
sign�e � Rome le 4 novembre
1950 (ci-apr�s d�nomm�e � la
Convention �) ;

Notant que le Protocole n� 6 �
la Convention concernant
labolition de la peine de
mort, sign� � Strasbourg le
28 avril 1983, nexclut pas la
peine de mort pour des actes

Protokoll nr 13 till konven-
tionen om skydd f�r de
m�nskliga r�ttigheterna och
de grundl�ggande frihe-
terna, avseende avskaffande
av d�dsstraffet under alla

Europar�dets medlemsstater,
som har undertecknat detta

som �r �vertygade om att al-
las r�tt till liv �r ett grundl�g-
gande v�rde i ett demokra-
tiskt samh�lle och att avskaf-
fandet av d�dsstraffet �r n�d-
v�ndigt f�r skyddet av denna
r�ttighet och f�r det fulla er-
k�nnandet av alla m�nnis-
kors inneboende v�rdighet,

som �nskar st�rka det skydd
av r�tten till livet som garan-
teras av konventionen om
skydd f�r de m�nskliga r�ttig-
heterna och de grundl�ggande
friheterna, vilken underteck-
nades i Rom den 4 november
1950 (nedan kallad konven-

som beaktar att protokoll nr 6
till konventionen om avskaf-
fande av d�dsstraffet, som
undertecknades i Strasbourg
den 28 april 1983, inte uteslu-
ter d�dsstraff f�r handlingar

Convention for the Protec-
tion of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms

Convention de Sauvegarde
des Droits de lHomme et
des Libert�s fondamentales

Europeiska konventionen
om skydd f�r de m�nskliga
r�ttigheterna och de grund-
l�ggande friheterna

background image


SFS 2003:74

respect of acts committed in
time of war or of imminent
threat of war;

Being resolved to take the fi-
nal step in order to abolish
the death penalty in all cir-

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1  Abolition of the
death penalty

The death penalty shall be
abolished. No one shall be
condemned to such penalty or

Article 2  Prohibition of der-

No derogation from the pro-
visions of this Protocol shall
be made under Article 15 of
the Convention.

Article 3  Prohibition of res-

No reservation may be made
under Article 57 of the Con-
vention in respect of the pro-
visions of this Protocol.

Article 4  Territorial appli-

1 Any State may, at the
time of signature or when de-
positing its instrument of rati-
fication, acceptance or ap-
proval, specify the territory or
territories to which this Proto-

commis en temps de guerre
ou de danger imminent de
guerre ;

R�solus � faire le pas ultime
afin dabolir la peine de mort
en toutes circonstances,

Sont convenus de ce qui suit :

Article 1  Abolition de la
peine de mort

La peine de mort est abolie.
Nul ne peut �tre condamn� �
une telle peine ni ex�cut�.

Article 2  Interdiction de d�-

Aucune d�rogation nest
autoris�e aux dispositions du
pr�sent Protocole au titre de
larticle 15 de la Convention.

Article 3  Interdiction de r�-

Aucune r�serve nest admise
aux dispositions du pr�sent
Protocole au titre de larticle
57 de la Convention.

Article 4  Application terri-

1 Tout Etat peut, au mo-
ment de la signature ou au
moment du d�p�t de son ins-
trument de ratification, dac-
ceptation ou dapprobation,
d�signer le ou les territoires

som beg�tts under krigstid el-
ler under �verh�ngande krigs-

som �r fast beslutna att ta det
avg�rande steget f�r att av-
skaffa d�dsstraffet under alla

har kommit �verens om f�l-

Artikel 1  Avskaffande av

D�dsstraffet skall vara av-
skaffat. Ingen f�r d�mas till
ett s�dant straff eller avr�ttas.

Artikel 2  F�rbud mot avvi-

Avvikelser enligt artikel 15 i
konventionen f�r inte ske fr�n
best�mmelserna i detta proto-

Artikel 3  F�rbud mot f�rbe-

F�rbeh�ll enligt artikel 57 i
konventionen f�r inte g�ras
betr�ffande best�mmelserna i
detta protokoll.

Artikel 4  Territoriell till-

1. En stat kan vid tidpunkten
f�r undertecknandet eller n�r
den deponerar sitt ratifika-
tions-, godtagande- eller god-
k�nnandeinstrument ange p�
vilket territorium eller vilka

background image


SFS 2003:74

col shall apply.


Any State may at any

later date, by a declaration
addressed to the Secretary
General of the Council of Eu-
rope, extend the application
of this Protocol to any other
territory specified in the dec-
laration. In respect of such
territory the Protocol shall en-
ter into force on the first day
of the month following the
expiration of a period of three
months after the date of re-
ceipt of such declaration by
the Secretary General.

3 Any declaration made un-
der the two preceding para-
graphs may, in respect of any
territory specified in such
declaration, be withdrawn or
modified by a notification ad-
dressed to the Secretary Gen-
eral. The withdrawal or modi-
fication shall become effec-
tive on the first day of the
month following the expira-
tion of a period of three
months after the date of re-
ceipt of such notification by
the Secretary General.

Article 5  Relationship to the

As between the States Parties
the provisions of Articles 1 to
4 of this Protocol shall be re-
garded as additional articles
to the Convention, and all the
provisions of the Convention
shall apply accordingly.

auxquels sappliquera le pr�-
sent Protocole.


Tout Etat peut, � tout

autre moment par la suite, par
une d�claration adress�e au
Secr�taire G�n�ral du Conseil
de lEurope, �tendre lappli-
cation du pr�sent Protocole �
tout autre territoire d�sign�
dans la d�claration. Le Proto-
cole entrera en vigueur �
l�gard de ce territoire le pre-
mier jour du mois qui suit
lexpiration dune p�riode de
trois mois apr�s la date de r�-
ception de la d�claration par
le Secr�taire G�n�ral.

3 Toute d�claration faite en
vertu des deux paragraphes
pr�c�dents pourra �tre retir�e
ou modifi�e, en ce qui con-
cerne tout territoire d�sign�
dans cette d�claration, par no-
tification adress�e au Secr�-
taire G�n�ral. Le retrait ou la
modification prendra effet le
premier jour du mois qui suit
lexpiration dune p�riode de
trois mois apr�s la date de r�-
ception de la notification par
le Secr�taire G�n�ral.

Article 5  Relations avec la

Les Etats Parties consid�rent
les articles 1 � 4 du pr�sent
Protocole comme des articles
additionnels � la Convention,
et toutes les dispositions de la
Convention sappliquent en

territorier detta protokoll skall
vara till�mpligt.

2. En stat kan vid en senare
tidpunkt, genom en f�rklaring
st�lld till Europar�dets gene-
ralsekreterare, utstr�cka till-
l�mpningen av detta protokoll
till ett annat territorium som
anges i f�rklaringen. Med av-
seende p� ett s�dant territo-
rium tr�der protokollet i kraft
den f�rsta dagen i den m�nad
som f�ljer efter utg�ngen av
en tid av tre m�nader r�knat
fr�n den dag d� generalsekre-
teraren mottog f�rklaringen.

3. En f�rklaring som avgetts i
enlighet med de b�da f�reg�-
ende punkterna kan, med av-
seende p� ett territorium som
har angetts i f�rklaringen,
�terkallas eller �ndras genom
en underr�ttelse st�lld till ge-
neralsekreteraren. �terkallel-
sen eller �ndringen g�ller fr�n
den f�rsta dagen i den m�nad
som f�ljer efter utg�ngen av
en tid av tre m�nader r�knat
fr�n den dag d� generalsekre-
teraren mottog underr�ttel-

Artikel 5  F�rh�llande till

Mellan de stater som �r parter
i konventionen skall artik-
larna 14 i detta protokoll an-
ses som till�gg till konventio-
nen och samtliga best�mmel-
ser i konventionen skall till-
l�mpas i enlighet d�rmed.

background image


SFS 2003:74

Article 6  Signature and rat-

This Protocol shall be open
for signature by member
States of the Council of Eu-
rope which have signed the
Convention. It is subject to
ratification, acceptance or ap-
proval. A member State of
the Council of Europe may
not ratify, accept or approve
this Protocol without previ-
ously or simultaneously rati-
fying the Convention. Instru-
ments of ratification, accept-
ance or approval shall be de-
posited with the Secretary
General of the Council of Eu-

Article 7  Entry into force

1 This Protocol shall enter
into force on the first day of
the month following the expi-
ration of a period of three
months after the date on
which ten member States of
the Council of Europe have
expressed their consent to be
bound by the Protocol in ac-
cordance with the provisions
of Article 6.

2 In respect of any member
State which subsequently ex-
presses its consent to be
bound by it, the Protocol shall
enter into force on the first
day of the month following
the expiration of a period of
three months after the date of
the deposit of the instrument

Article 6  Signature et ratifi-

Le pr�sent Protocole est
ouvert � la signature des Etats
membres du Conseil de lEu-
rope qui ont sign� la Conven-
tion. Il sera soumis � ratifica-
tion, acceptation ou approba-
tion. Un Etat membre du
Conseil de lEurope ne peut
ratifier, accepter ou approu-
ver le pr�sent Protocole sans
avoir simultan�ment ou ant�-
rieurement ratifi� la Conven-
tion. Les instruments de rati-
fication, dacceptation ou
dapprobation seront d�pos�s
pr�s le Secr�taire G�n�ral du
Conseil de lEurope.

Article 7  Entr�e en vigueur

1 Le pr�sent Protocole en-
trera en vigueur le premier
jour du mois qui suit lexpira-
tion dune p�riode de trois
mois apr�s la date � laquelle
dix Etats membres du Conseil
de lEurope auront exprim�
leur consentement � �tre li�s
par le pr�sent Protocole con-
form�ment aux dispositions
de son article 6.

2 Pour tout Etat membre
qui exprimera ult�rieurement
son consentement � �tre li�
par le pr�sent Protocole, ce-
lui-ci entrera en vigueur le
premier jour du mois qui suit
lexpiration dune p�riode de
trois mois apr�s la date du d�-
p�t de linstrument de ratifi-

Artikel 6  Undertecknande
och ratifikation

Detta protokoll st�r �ppet f�r
undertecknande av de med-
lemsstater i Europar�det som
har undertecknat konven-
tionen. Det skall ratificeras,
godtas eller godk�nnas. En
medlemsstat f�r inte ratifi-
cera, godta eller godk�nna
detta protokoll om den inte
samtidigt eller tidigare har ra-
tificerat konventionen. Ratifi-
kations-, godtagande- eller
godk�nnandeinstrument skall
deponeras hos Europar�dets

Artikel 7  Ikrafttr�dande


Detta protokoll tr�der i

kraft den f�rsta dagen i den
m�nad som f�ljer efter ut-
g�ngen av en tid av tre m�na-
der r�knat fr�n den dag d� tio
av Europar�dets medlemssta-
ter har uttryckt sitt samtycke
till att vara bundna av proto-
kollet i enlighet med best�m-
melserna i artikel 6.

2. I f�rh�llande till en med-
lemsstat som senare ut-
trycker sitt samtycke till att
vara bunden av protokollet
tr�der det i kraft den f�rsta
dagen i den m�nad som f�ljer
efter utg�ngen av en tid av tre
m�nader r�knat fr�n den dag
d� ratifikations-, godta-


SFS 2003:7482

background image


SFS 2003:74

Thomson Fakta, tel. 08-587 671 00

Elanders Gotab, Stockholm 2003

of ratification, acceptance or

Article 8  Depositary func-

The Secretary General of the
Council of Europe shall no-
tify all the member States of
the Council of Europe of:

a any signature;

b the deposit of any instru-
ment of ratification, accept-
ance or approval;


any date of entry into

force of this Protocol in
accordance with Articles 4
and 7;

d any other act, notification
or communication relating to
this Protocol.

In witness whereof the under-
signed, being duly authorised
thereto, have signed this Pro-

Done at Vilnius, this 3rd day
of May 2002, in English and
in French, both texts being
equally authentic, in a single
copy which shall be deposited
in the archives of the Council
of Europe. The Secretary
General of the Council of Eu-
rope shall transmit certified
copies to each member State
of the Council of Europe.

cation, dacceptation ou dap-

Article 8  Fonctions du d�-

Le Secr�taire G�n�ral du
Conseil de lEurope notifiera
� tous les Etats membres du
Conseil de lEurope :

a toute signature ;

b le d�p�t de tout instru-
ment de ratification, daccep-
tation ou dapprobation ;

c toute date dentr�e en vi-
gueur du pr�sent Protocole
conform�ment � ses articles 4
et 7 ;

d tout autre acte, notifica-
tion ou communication, ayant
trait au pr�sent Protocole.

En foi de quoi, les soussi-
gn�s, d�ment autoris�s � cet
effet, ont sign� le pr�sent Pro-

Fait � Vilnius, le 3 mai 2002,
en fran�ais et en anglais, les
deux textes faisant �galement
foi, en un seul exemplaire qui
sera d�pos� dans les archives
du Conseil de lEurope. Le
Secr�taire G�n�ral du Conseil
de lEurope en communi-
quera copie certifi�e con-
forme � chacun des Etats
membres du Conseil de lEu-

gande- eller godk�nnandein-
strumentet deponerades.

Artikel 8  Depositariens

Europar�dets generalsekrete-
rare skall underr�tta alla
Europar�dets medlemsstater

a) undertecknande,


deponering av ratifika-

tions-, godtagande- eller god-


dag f�r detta protokolls

ikrafttr�dande enligt artik-
larna 4 och 7,

d) andra �tg�rder, notifikatio-
ner eller underr�ttelser som
r�r detta protokoll.

Till bekr�ftelse h�rav har un-
dertecknade, d�rtill vederb�r-
ligen befullm�ktigade, under-
tecknat detta protokoll.

Uppr�ttat i Vilnius den 3 maj
2002 p� engelska och fran-
ska, vilka b�da texter �r lika
giltiga, i ett enda exemplar
som skall deponeras i Euro-
par�dets arkiv. Europar�dets
generalsekreterare skall �ver-
l�mna en bestyrkt kopia till
varje medlemsstat i Europar�-

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